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«Š― Œ³ƒ Fleet Admiral FADM
‘叫 Admiral ADM
’†« Vice Admiral VADM
­« γ‹‰­« Rear Admiral Upper Half RADM,UH 2Žν—ή
‰Ί‹‰­« Rear Admiral Lower Half RADM,LH
y« Commodor Commodore Œ»–π‚Ν‘Άέ‚Ή‚Έ
²Š― ‘卲 Captain CAPT
’†² Commander CDR
­² Lieutenant Commander LCDR
ˆΡŠ― ‘εˆΡ Lieutenant LT
’†ˆΡ Lieutenant, Junior Grade LTJG
­ˆΡ Ensign ENS
yŽmŠ― 1“™•Ί‘‚’· Chief Warrant Officer, W-4 CWO 4
2“™•Ί‘‚’· Chief Warrant Officer, W-3 CWO 3
3“™•Ί‘‚’· Chief Warrant Officer, W-2 CWO 2
4“™•Ί‘‚’· Warrant Officer, W-1 WO 1
‰ΊŽmŠ― Εζ”C
ŠCŒRΕζ”Cγ“™•Ί‘‚ Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy MCPON
Εζ”Cγ“™•Ί‘‚ Master Chief Petty Officer MCPO
γ‹‰γ“™•Ί‘‚ Senior Chief Petty Officer SCPO
γ“™•Ί‘‚ Chief Petty Officer CPO
1“™•Ί‘‚ Petty Officer First Class PO1
2“™•Ί‘‚ Petty Officer Second Class PO2
3“™•Ί‘‚ Petty Officer Third Class PO3
•Ί γ“™…•Ί Seaman Seaman
1“™…•Ί Seaman Apprentice SA
2“™…•Ί Seaman Recruit SR